What Muhammad Did to the People who Insulted Him? Or what Muhammad did to his enemy?
When Muhammad was asked by his wife Aisha what was the most terrible time of his life beside the Uhud war, prophet Muhammad said it's time when he was in Thaif.
In Uhud war, prophet Muhammad is wounded badly in his face so there are news that Muhammad has died at that time. In Thaif, Muhammad that tried to preach about Islam is thrown by stones by people including children. They said many words that insult and humiliate Muhammad. Yet, when the angel Gabriel offered him to kill the Thaif people, Muhammad refuse. Muhammad said, I hope their descendant will become a good Muslims.
Even when Muhammad was in power, he still forgive his enemy that insult him. To a Khawarij people who insulted him as unfair and Muhammad's companion offer Muhammad to kill him, Muhammad refused. Muhammad didn't want people say that he kill his fellow muslims.
Abu Sofyan, Hindun, and Wahsyi had killed many of Muhammad's followers. Even Muhammad's uncle, Hamzah bin Abi Thalib was killed. His heart is taken and eaten by Hindun. Yet when Muhammad conquered Mecca, Muhammad forgive them all.
The infidels of Mecca city attacked Prophet Muhammad nearby Medina city 3 times in Badar war, Uhud war, and Khandaq war. Total casualties were less than 500 people died. To prevent the next attack, the prophet Muhammad conquer the Mecca city with 0 casualty. All people who stay in their home, in the Masjidil Haram, and in the house of Abi Sofyan were safe.
The infidels of Mecca city attacked Prophet Muhammad nearby Medina city 3 times in Badar war, Uhud war, and Khandaq war. Total casualties were less than 500 people died. To prevent the next attack, the prophet Muhammad conquer the Mecca city with 0 casualty. All people who stay in their home, in the Masjidil Haram, and in the house of Abi Sofyan were safe.
That is what Muhammad did to the people who insulted him. To his enemy. Muhammad conquer his enemy by turn most of his enemy into his friends. Umar bin Khatthab, Khalid bin Walid, Abu Sofyan, etc. was his former enemy that later become his friends.
No wonder 100 years after his death, Islam is spread all over the world from Spain to India. It is larger than USA. It's not because Muslims slaughtering their enemies. But they came as the Liberator. Not the Oppressor nor the killer like Genghis Khan. The Muslims stay in Spain and Portuguese for 700 years.

If from 1.3 billion Muslims there are 1,300 Muslims that kill the offenders, you cannot claim the whole 1.3 billion Muslims are like that. That is a bad generalisation.
Just read also:
If you wonder why some of Muhammad's followers act extremely to the people who insult Muhammad, the answer is they are not Muhammad. The Muslims are taught to love Muhammad better than their parent. Better than themselves. So it's better you insult them then you insult Muhammad. Drawing the picture of Muhammad is forbidden. Even if the picture is a handsome man. It's a blasphemy. So when the Charlie Hebdo's cartoonists draw Muhammad in a very insulting way, you could imagine what will happen.
What's wrong? It's just a cartoon! You might said that. But for the gunners, it's better you shoot him to death than drawing the picture of Muhammad. If you fail to comprehend that, then the violent will happen.
No wonder 100 years after his death, Islam is spread all over the world from Spain to India. It is larger than USA. It's not because Muslims slaughtering their enemies. But they came as the Liberator. Not the Oppressor nor the killer like Genghis Khan. The Muslims stay in Spain and Portuguese for 700 years.
If from 1.3 billion Muslims there are 1,300 Muslims that kill the offenders, you cannot claim the whole 1.3 billion Muslims are like that. That is a bad generalisation.
Just read also:
Is Islam the Most Violent Religion in the World?
Prophet Muhammad: The Best Man in the World
What's wrong? It's just a cartoon! You might said that. But for the gunners, it's better you shoot him to death than drawing the picture of Muhammad. If you fail to comprehend that, then the violent will happen.
Ta'if: A Lesson in Persistence
From `Â’ishah, the wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him), when she asked him: “Was there ever a day that was worse for you than the Battle of Uhud?”
The Prophet replied:
Your tribe (Quraysh) had troubled me a lot, and the most severe of this trouble was on the day of 'Aqaba when I presented myself to Ibn `Abd Yalâyil b. `Abd Kulâl and he did not respond to my request. So I departed, overwhelmed with sorrow, and proceeded on, without rest until I found myself at Qarn al-Tha`âlib where I lifted my head towards the sky to see a cloud shading me unexpectedly. I looked up and saw within it Gabriel. He called me saying: “Allah has heard what your people have been saying to you, and how they have disputed you. Allah has sent the Angel of the Mountains to you so that you may order him to do whatever you wish to these people.”
The Angel of the Mountains called and greeted me, and then said: “O Muhammad! Order what you wish. If you like, I will cause the two mountains to fall upon them.”
I said: “No, for I hope that Allah will bring forth from their progeny people who will worship Allah Alone, and none besides Him.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (4/81, 8/168). Sahîh Muslim (3/1420)]
Muhammad's visit to Ta'if
Initially the preaching of Islam by Muhammad had been confined to Mecca, and his success was rather modest, limited to 170 men and women in the city during a ten-year period. However, in 619, after the Year of Sorrow when his main source of support, Abu Talib ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib and his loving wife Hazrat Khadija had died.
Now, not just the elite of Mecca attacked Muhammad, but even young children hurled dust and insults at him. Muhammad soon realized that there was no hope left for the Meccans to accept his religion, and he thus looked to the south, to the sister city of Ta’if, for aid and support, so Muhammad and his adopted son, Zayd ibn Harithah went to Ta’if to invite the people there to Islam.
Muhammad was received by the three chiefs of the local tribes of Ta’if and they let him freely have his say, however, they paid little heed to his message. After a while they even showed signs of apprehension lest his welcome in Ta’if might embroil them with the Meccans, so they left him to be dealt with by street urchins and the riff raff of the town.
By rejecting Muhammad's religion, the people of Ta'if ordered their children to throw rocks and stones at Muhammad and Zayd ibn Harithah to make them leave the city and never come back. Muhammad and Zayd ibn Harithah were finally turned out by mocking and jeering crowds. The rocks that were thrown at Muhammad and Zayd by the Ta'if children caused them to bleed. Both were wounded and bleeding as they left Ta’if behind them. Muhammad bled so profusely from the stoning that his feet became clotted to his shoes.
Once Muhammad and Zayd ibn Harithah were outside the city walls, Muhammad almost collapsed. They went a short distance outside of the town and stopped in a orchard that belonged to two Meccans who were there at the time.
The owners of the orchard had seen Muhammad been persecuted in Mecca and on this occasion they felt some sympathy toward their fellow townsman. They sent a slave who took Muhammad into his hut, dressed his wounds, and let him rest and recuperate until he felt strong enough to resume his journey across the rough terrain between Ta’if and Mecca. It was there that the angel Gabriel came to him with the Angel of the Mountains and said that if Muhammad wanted, he would blow the mountains over the people of Ta’if.
Muhammad prayed:
“O Allah, To Thee I complain of my weakness, my lack of resources and my lowliness before men.
O most Merciful! Thou art the Lord of the weak and Thou art my Lord. To whom wilt Thou relinquish my fate! To one who will misuse me? Or to an enemy to whom Thou hast given power over me? If Thou art not angry with me then I care not what happens to me. Thy favor is all that counts for me.
I take refuge in the light of Thy countenance, by which all darkness is illuminated. And the things of this world and next are rightly ordered. I wish to please Thee until Thou art pleased. There is no power and no might save in Thee.”
The owners also told their Christian slave named Addas from Nineveh to give a tray of grapes to the visitors.
Muhammad took the grape and before putting it into his mouth he recited what has become the Muslim grace: "In the name of God, Ever Gracious, Most Merciful." (Arabic Bismillah ar-Rahman, ar-Raheem). Addas became curious and inquired about the identity of Muhammad who presented himself. The conversation that ensued led Addas to declare his acceptance of Islam, so that Muhammad's journey to Ta’if did not prove entirely fruitless.
uhammad (S.A.W): A Mercy for Mankind
Once Aisha (R.A), the wife of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, was there any day more difficult to you than on the day of the battle of Uhud?'' (For those who don't know, on the battle of Uhud, the Prophet (S.A.W) was wounded, blood was coming from his blessed face, his teeth were dislodged, and even an arrow came and hit him. Much happened on the day of Uhud).
The Prophet (S.A.W) said, 'Yes, the day of Taif was worse for me than the day of Uhud; that was the most difficult point of my life'. (I.e. This day of Taif had a very profound impact on the Prophet (S.A.W))
When the Prophet (S.A.W) approached the tribe of Saqeef (the inhabitants of the city of Taif), he asked to meet the chief of the town, and the chiefs of the town were in fact three brothers (Their father was once the chief of the city, but once he died, the brothers decided to share the power among each other). So the three chiefs agreed to meet the Prophet (S.A.W) as they didn't know why he (S.A.W) wanted to meet them. When the Prophet (S.A.W) introduced him as the Messenger of Allah, told them about Islam, about worshipping only one God, and leaving idol worshipping, the three brothers ridiculed and insulted him in the worst possible manner. One of them said, 'If you are a Prophet, I might as well destroy the Kaabah' (meaning what's the point), another said, 'Did Allah not found any one better than you to send? You are the one He has chosen?', the third one said, 'If you are a Prophet, then you are too Holy for me to speak to, and if you are not a prophet (i.e. if you are a liar), then you are too ignoble for me (a noble man) to speak to' (i.e. either way, you are somebody I cannot speak to.)
But this wasn't the end of it, the three brothers then commanded their slaves and the youth to ridicule the Prophet (S.A.W) and make fun of him. Also, to physically harm him by throwing stones at him, by pelting him as he was leaving the city. So, the Prophet (S.A.W) was forced to leave the city while the people are ridiculing him, insulting him, and throwing stones at him, so much so that the blood began to pour from his body and that his shoes became soaked with his own blood. As he ran outside the city, he himself narrates to Aishaa, 'that I could not remember where I was going'. He was in such a state of shock that he did not know where he was until he reached a garden a few kilometers outside of Taif. The people of Taif had stopped chasing him, and he sat down, tired and bleeding, being tortured and humiliated by the people of Taif, all alone under a tree. There he (S.A.W) made a dua (call) to Allah (S.W.T) and said:
"O Allah! I complain to You of my weakness, my scarcity of resources and the humiliation I have been subjected to by the people. O Most Merciful of those who are merciful. O Lord of the weak and my Lord too. To whom have you entrusted me? To a distant person who receives me with hostility? Or to an enemy to whom you have granted authority over my affair? So long as You are not angry with me, I do not care. Your favor is of a more expansive relief to me. I seek refuge in the light of Your Face by which all darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set right, lest Your anger or Your displeasure descends upon me. I desire Your pleasure and satisfaction until You are pleased. There is no power and no might except by You."
At this point, the Prophet (S.A.W) said 'I saw a cloud hovering above me, and lo and behold, I saw Jibreel (Angel Gabriel) came down from that cloud, and besides him was an angel that I had never seen before.' And Jibreel said to the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), 'O Muhammad (S.A.W), your Lord has seen how your people have responded to you, your Lord has seen what they have said to you, so he has sent me with the angel of the mountains to place at your disposal.'
The angel said, 'O Muhammad (S.A.W), if you want, command me and I will cause the two mountains of Taif to collapse upon them.' (For those of you who don't know, Taif is situated on some type of plateau, and the city is in between these two mountains, and the angel asked the Prophet (S.A.W) if he should just squash the people between the same mountains whose pebbles they used to stone the Prophet (S.A.W) with.)
The Prophet (S.A.W), still bleeding and his shoes still wet with blood says, 'No! Rather, I pray that Allah (S.W.T) blesses their children to be Muslims and worship Allah (S.W.T) alone. Even if they have rejected Islam, I pray that Allah (S.W.T) blesses their progeny to be Muslim.' SubhanAllah!
- See more at: http://www.islamicity.com/articles/Articles.asp?ref=IC1209-5258#sthash.bXCv7U3a.dpuf
Jabir b. Abdullah reported that a person came to the Messenger of Allah (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) at Ja'rana on his way back from Hunain, and there was in the clothes of Bilal some silver. The Messenger of Allah (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) took a handful out of that and bestowed it upon the people. He (the person who had met the Prophet at Ja'rana) said to him: Muhammad, do justice. He (the Holy Prophet) said: Woe be upon thee, who would do justice if I do not do justice, and you would be very unfortunate and a loser if I do not do justice. Upon this Umar b. Khattab (Allah be pleased with him) said: Permit me to kill this hypocrite. Upon this he (the Holy Prophet) said: May there be protection of Allah! People would say that I kill my companions. This man and his companions would recite the Qur'an but it would not go beyond their throat, and they swerve from it just as the arrow goes through the prey.
[Sahih Muslim: Book 005, Number 2316]
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